CINS Active Threat Intelligence

Nomic's threat intelligence network continuously gathers attack data from Outpost sensors around the world. These metrics are used to assign a CINS Score to malicious IPs, and this data is in turn shared back out to Nomic devices in the field, actively blocking known-bad traffic in real-time. Each sensor learns from every other sensor, benefitting from the collective intelligence of each and every Nomic customer.

CINS Army: Our Intel, shared with the community.

“As one of the first widely distributed threat feeds, CINS Army filters out most of the noise caused by malicious scanners, allowing analysts to focus on more important threats. Its strength comes from the source of its data: A diverse Nomic customer base made up of real networks, with real people behind them.”


CINS Score: Protecting our customers and the community at large

Much like a FICO score is meant to show you at a glance the quality of your credit, the CINS score shows you the trustworthyness of an IP address. In addition, the IP's WHOIS information, country of origin, and the nature, frequency, and breadth of its attacks across the Nomic global network are listed with the score. Gathered from live networks of real customers, the effectiveness and fidelity of this data cannot be duplicated by research networks or honeypots. This level of detail simply cannot be replicated without an existing network like ours.

This information not only improves the security of our customers' networks; Through CINS Army, Nomic has been providing this threat intelligence to the community at large for over a decade, and it appears in countless aggregated CTI lists and open source projects.

The CINS Army

Collaborative Effort

CINS Army is a collaborative effort sponsored by Nomic for the purpose of defending your fundamental right to be secure on any network.  The CINS Army helps defend your networks and provide you the opportunity to contribute to the security of others.

Free To The Community

CINS Army is also a way for Nomic to give back to the InfoSec community by sharing intelligence that is harvested from our cybersecurity efforts. It's a great benefit for companies that do not have access to active threat intelligence feeds.

Growing Movement

CINS Army is a growing movement dedicated to defending our right to be secure. Along with other public sources, we contribute and benefit from using collective intelligence and working together with security professionals to strengthen networks around the world.

The CINS Threat Intelligence Community: By the Numbers

The CINS Army has been sharing threat intelligence with the cybersecurity community for over a decade. In that time its influence has grown exponentially through its inclusion on multiple public lists and open source projects.


Daily automated downloads of the CINS Army list by networks all over the world.

5 Million+

Scans, probes, and exploit attempts per month that contribute to the CINS Score and CINS Army feeds.