Smart managed security

Autonomous defense + SIEM-less visibility + 24/7 support.

Nomic’s tools hide your network, deflect inbound attacks, identify internal threats, and help you easily separate the signal from the noise. And in the case of legitimate threats and actionable events, our Support Team is always there to provide proactive response, security expertise, and troubleshooting.

Managed Cybersecurity Features

Autonomous Threat Defense

Autonomous threat defense force-multiplies IT and security teams, maximizing their impact and allowing them to do more with less. By positioning itself between the firewall and the ISP connection, Nomic's Outpost dynamically blocks malicious IPs, rogue packets and curious intruders before they even get the chance to see your network.

network cloakingTM

Exclusive Network Cloaking technology renders malicious actors blind to your public attack surface, deflects roving exploits, and makes your network invisible to opportunistic attacks.

Threat Intelligence Feeds

Curated threat feeds - including our proprietary CINS active threat intelligence - updated in real-time to deflect known, active malicious networks. The Outpost provides a wall of continuous protection that can hide your network at a moment’s notice.

dynamic monitoring

Each Nomic sensor is managed by our support team and armed with the latest rulesets and machine learning models, so your network is secured 24/7/365 scrutiny that only an autonomous solution can provide.

Real-time Visibility

Packets don't lie, and visibility of network traffic in motion is sometimes the only way to track down modern attackers as they traverse the network. But "visibility" doesn’t just mean more data; It means a comprehensive view of the network, presented in an intuitive way that makes sense.

Why is network visibility so important?

The modern network is complex and often hybrid, with innumerable data streams generated from a diverse set of endpoints that are sometimes impossible to protect with traditional tools like EDR. Organizations can also create blind spots for themselves when inundated with more alerts than they can handle. Nomic's MNDR solutions can tell us the whole story, providing full visibility and high-value alerts that cut through the noise.

INSIGHT INTO THE entire threat life cycle

From strategic planning to incident response after a breach, true network visibility is essential. Nomic's Insight provides intuitive tools that can help shape cybersecurity policy decisions, critical context for high-priority alerts in real-time, and a "DVR" of network traffic for forensics and incident response. Invaluable information you can lean on before, during, and after an event.

Effective Machine Learning and AI without the hype

Nomic's NDR tools are a clever blend of tried-and-true cybersecurity technologies and the latest ML/AI algorithms. By leaning on threat intelligence, IOCs, and traditional enterprise IPS/IDS rulesets to knock down the vast majority of reconnaissance and exploit attempts, our sensors are free to  hone in on advanced threat actors' tactics with machine learning and AI designed to detect anomalous behavior on your network.

Proactive support from the experts.

What starts as an automated alert can either be the tip of the iceberg or a time-consuming rabbit hole ending with an innocuous false positive. Our team is there to provide the proactive support you need to tell the difference.

Our human-powered efforts to defend your network lean on curated threat intelligence, proprietary CINS threat feeds, real-time alerts, ML/AI automation, and information sharing.

Our team reaches out when we spot threats or network trouble, but we're also there 24/7 to answer questions, help locate and remediate issues, close visibility gaps, and bolster defenses for the future.

Zero Trust for your Zero Trust.

It helps to have a spotter: an extra set of eyes, another pair of boots on the ground, someone to watch your back. Someone, really, who’s not so close to your efforts to implement Zero Trust that they can’t see the flaws. That’s us.

Our Insight tool gives you independent visibility into network traffic in real-time, and our support team can help you see  your Zero Trust policies for what they really are, and the context you need find the gaps.

Through the lens of the CIS Controls, NIST CSF, or other cybersecurity framworks, our tools act as a safety net as you implement new policies to improve your basic cyber hygeine.

Your partner in incident response.

Modern cybersecurity is less 'castle and moat' and more like a complex obstacle course.

When responding to and recovering from an incident, Nomic's tools and support team are a critical component in limiting damage and reducing recovery time and costs.

HQ provides an intuitive window into your network's history, and our support  team is available any time to tap into our alert data, passive logs, and network flows to help support and guide an incident response team's forensic research.

Network Health

Security or Network Health: Most tools do one or the other. Nomic goes beyond security to provide flows and analytics that  can help diagnose network health issues and troubleshoot problems in real-time

a unified approach

Working together, cyber hygiene, cyber health, and cybersecurity combine to form a fully balanced security strategy and the most complete approach to digital defense. Cybersecurity measures have to be baked in: IT needs to perform the basic, everyday maintenance tasks; users need to be educated on how to make prudent cyber choices; and buy-in needs to come from the top.

Security and Cyber Hygeine SIGNALS

Leaning on network flows and ML-based anomaly detection, Nomic's Insight sensor helps IT teams identify network issues with device identification, up/down service monitoring,  throughput spikes,  and flow latency monitoring. Receive alerts when a network service becomes unreachable or critical broken flows are detected.